Perlite - Legana Plants Plus
Perlite - Legana Plants Plus


$60.00 $43.62
Size: 100L
Colour: White

Product Information

Perlite is a popular mineral used as a soil amendment and in horticulture. It is a naturally occurring volcanic glass that is heated to a high temperature to expand and create a lightweight, porous material.

The two types of perlite mentioned here, Premium Coarse and Super Coarse, are differentiated by their particle size distribution. Premium Coarse has a particle size distribution of 1%, 15%, 64%, and 20% for 1mm, 2mm, 4mm, and 8mm sizes respectively. Super Coarse has a particle size distribution of 2%, 28%, and 70% for 2mm, 4mm, and 8mm sizes respectively.

Perlite is used in horticulture to improve soil aeration and drainage. The porous nature of perlite allows for air and water to flow freely through the soil, which is important for plant growth and root health. Additionally, perlite can help to prevent soil compaction, which can inhibit root growth and lead to poor plant health.

The size of the perlite particles can affect its performance in horticulture. Coarser perlite particles, such as those found in Super Coarse, are ideal for use in hydroponic systems, as they provide excellent drainage and aeration. Finer particles, such as those found in Premium Coarse, are better suited for use in potting mixes or as a soil amendment, as they can help to retain moisture in the soil.

In addition to its horticultural applications, perlite is also used in the construction industry as a lightweight aggregate and in the production of insulation materials. Its unique physical properties make it a versatile material with many different applications.